Proximate Composition, Extraction of Oil and Production of Biodiesel from Chrysophyllum albidum (African Star Apple) Seeds
The proximate composition of Chrysophyllum albidum seeds wascarried out using standard analytical methods. The results of the proximate composition was shown to be moisture (14.00±0.22%), ash (4.00±0.10%), fat (25.58±0.51%), fibre (16.00±0.13%), protein (25.76±0.45%) and carbohydrate (14.64±0.01%).The production and characterization of biodiesel from the seeds was done using Standard procedures. Solvent extraction was employed with the yield of 22.70% oil. The extracted oil was characterized and subsequently used for biodiesel production. On characterization of the oil, saponification value was found to be (187.31mgKOH/g), Acid value (7.01mgKOH/g) and Free Fatty Acid (3.10mgKOH/g). The biodiesel was produced using trans-esterification process and was also characterized and shown to have flash point (120oC), Cloud point (5.8oC), Pour point (4oC), density (0.89g/cm3) and dark brown in colour.
The flash point and density met ASTMD standard while the cloud point and pour point of the biodiesel need further modifications. This study revealed that Chrysophyllum albidum seeds have low moisture content, high fat and oil, fibre, ash and protein content. The result obtained shows the viability of producing biodiesel from Chrysophyllum albidum seed oil.