Effects of Boiled Gacinia Kola Seeds on Growth Performance, Haematology and Lipid Profile of Broiler Chickens
A study designed to investigate the effects of Garcinia kola seeds, on growth performance, haematology and lipid profile of broiler chicken was conducted in Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH). Obubra Campus poultry farm. Thirty (30) broiler chickens of Anak 2000 breed were assigned into three treatments of ten birds each. Treatment one (control) received 0:00g of Garcinia kola seeds to basal feed. Treatments two and three were given 10:90g and 20:80g of the same feed respectively. The growth performance index of live body weight was taken weekly with coagulated and uncoagulated blood samples collected after a 24 hour overnight fast of the experimental birds. The coagulated blood sample was used for assay of lipid profile while the uncoagulated was used for haematology. The result obtained showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in body weight of broilers treated with boiled Garcinia kola seeds whereas no significant(P>0.05) changes (increase or decrease) in haematology was observed at both 10:90 and 20”80g levels of inclusion of Garcinia kola seeds relative to control treatment and also between themselves. There were however, significant (P<0.05) reductions in serum levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in 10g inclusion of boiled G. kola seeds relative to control treatment. The 20g inclusion on the other hand produced a significant reduction in low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol but not in serum level of total cholesterol. It was observed that both treatment (10g & 20g inclusions of boiled G. kola seeds) caused significant elevation in serum levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) but no significant difference between themselves. The serum triacylglycerol concentration was only significantly reduced at 20g inclusion of boiled G. kola seeds relative to control and 10g inclusions. The positive response to serum lipid can be utilized in lean broiler meat production whereas its non-detrimental effects to live body weight and haemotology of broilers lends credence to report in literatures that heat application can be utilized in deactivation of antinutritional factors present in raw G. Kola seeds.