Innovations in Clothing Manufacture: Strategy for Enhancing Clothing Production in Nigeria


Ekumankama Ijeoma-Oji Onu


This paper reviewed innovations in clothing manufacture as a strategy for enhancing clothing production in Nigeria. Clothing technology has a long history which started with the discovery of needle.Individual garments were made and all the operations involved were executed by hand with the aid of some primitive tools for many centuries. This problem led to low production such that demand was higher than production and more energy is exerted in clothing manufacturing.The paper highlighted innovations in various aspects of clothing manufacturing using computers and computer-controlled equipment which aid in many functions, such as design, pattern making and cutting. The paper recommends that small, medium and large-scale garment manufacturers should adopt innovations that reduce labour as well as improve efficiency in garment manufacturing needed for improving clothing production in Nigeria.         



How to Cite
Onu, E. I.-O. (2020). Innovations in Clothing Manufacture: Strategy for Enhancing Clothing Production in Nigeria. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 8(11).