Automatic Energy Meter Reading System Reviews


Vaibhav V. Dhok
Shweta S. Deshmukh


This paper reviews the various methods of Automatic meter reading (AMR) System. The AMR system enables remote access of existing energy meter by the energy provider. AMR system aims to move away from the traditional method of manual reading of electricity meters in which a meter reader visits every meter location periodically and read the meter value manually. In this we can monitor the meter readings regularly without visiting at the consumer site. This AMR system uses different connectivity module like Global System for Mobile (GSM),General Pocket Radio System (GPRS), Broadband carrier in power line and radio frequency. Different methods mentioned in this paper are used for transmitting the reading of energy meter from consumer site to the electricity board. Energy meter readings can be taken using Personnal Computers (PC)/Laptops and different connectivity modules.


How to Cite
Dhok, V. V., & Deshmukh, S. S. (2014). Automatic Energy Meter Reading System Reviews. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(1). Retrieved from