Review On 3D Image Generation Using Interpolation and Triangulation Methods on ARM-9 Processor Based Single Board Computer Platform


Priya Pankaj Patel
Jwolin Patel
Rushabh Shah


In this modern world of technology, now a day people widely use microprocessor rather than microcontroller because microcontroller becoming more complex circuitry to build applications [1]. As arm-9 runs at 400MHz frequency, it is much faster than any other microcontroller and also have high speed data transfer rate.

Now a day people using many applications on their android, ios, windows based OS phones. It is also being a madly craze to capture images and giving extra effects to those images using many different applications available for OS( operating system). One such effect called "3D effect” widely used now a day by people. Hence to support such extra effects and high definition images, CMOS Camera (OV9650) is none other than a best option to use for capturing images.

Android is popular with technology companies who require a ready-made, low-cost, customizable and lightweight operating system for high tech devices.Despite being primarily designed for phones and tablets, it also has been used in televisions, games consoles, digital cameras and other electronics. Also linux which is real time operating system is being used in embedded system to run such type of application based on image.

 Hence based on above two idea a novel approach has been developed for generation of application which convert 2D image into 3D image based on ARM-9 development board- SBC2440, by installing OS in ARM-9 board. Then interface CMOS VGA/Higher version camera with SBC 2440 and capture images.


How to Cite
Patel, P. P., Patel, J., & Shah, R. (2014). Review On 3D Image Generation Using Interpolation and Triangulation Methods on ARM-9 Processor Based Single Board Computer Platform. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(1). Retrieved from