The Influence of Environmental Conditions on Ecological Farming and Production of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) in Kerinci, Indonesia


Indah Kencanawati


The fungus is a single-celled eukaryotic organism and has no chlorophyll. Fungi is included into the organisms that obtain food from other organisms called heterotrophs, and live by decomposing organic material in food from around the neighborhood. The fungus can only grow in an environment with temperature, humidity appropriate, then pH less than 7 and an oxygenated environment although low oxygen. types of fungi that can be consumed by humans and is oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus). This research is a field research that is descriptive qualitative. The technique used in collecting data is through in-depth interviews, participant observation, field notes, and open questions. The initial phase of the study is to prepare the mushroom house, prepare baglog, preparation of planting medium, and enter the seed oyster mushrooms of 15-20 seeds. After baglog stacked on shelves, the first harvesting period lasts 40 days, the next harvest can be done every 7-10 days. The research times needed from preparation until the first harvest is approximately 3 months. The condition of ecology influences the growth of this oyster mushrooms are temperature, ph, water, and medium used. This fungus has good benefits for health. For those who consume this fungus can prevent anemia, immune boosting, against bad cholesterol, bacteria, and also can prevent tumor and cancer. In general, the fungus is cultivated by planting media of sterilized remains of timber which is then packaged in a white plastic bag. If specified, this fungus has a shape resembling a clam shell lid handle with the middle hollowed and white to cream. This fungus is very popular with the public, so no wonder a lot of oyster mushrooms made this as an attempt promising and profitable products.


How to Cite
Kencanawati, I. (2017). The Influence of Environmental Conditions on Ecological Farming and Production of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) in Kerinci, Indonesia. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(1). Retrieved from