Relevance of Legal Value of "Dalihan Natolu” for Solving the Legal Issues in Indigenous Communities


Elizabeth Ghozali


The aims of research were to determine the relevance of legal value in dalihan natolu as a part of the Indonesian legal system for law enforcement efforts. This study is normative and empirical research, the emphasis is library research (library research), and the study of law as a reality (behavior) is empirical in that it carried out a study of the behavior or the behavior patterns of the community is that the values of law and justice community as a law of life (the living law). This research was conducted in the village of the District Sibisa Parsaoran Ajibata, because the village is considered one of the villages in the district Ajibata Tobasa district that still cling to the values of law that developed in indigenous communities. The results showed that the values in dalihan natolu still relevant and is used as a law enforcement efforts in the community Batak Toba, and that is supported by the recognition of the country constitutionally, and the reality of the use of the value contained in the principle of dalihan natolu is recognized as a normative basis of the behavior patterns of society, as well as the reality of the court which is always basing its decision on the values of customary law derived from the dalihan natolu in resolving legal issues that occur in society.



How to Cite
Ghozali, E. (2020). Relevance of Legal Value of "Dalihan Natolu” for Solving the Legal Issues in Indigenous Communities. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(8).