Kenyan Secondary School Managers' Proficiency Dilemma in Job Design


Reginah Cherop


The purpose of the study was to investigate school managers' academic performance on job redesign in public secondary schools in Samia Sub County, Busia County. The objective that guided the study was to determine the skill competence level of school managers in integrating job design on school managers' academic performance in secondary Job production theory was used in the study. Mixed methodology with embedded design enhanced both qualitative and quantitative data collection.7 schools, 7 BOM, 7 principal, 7 deputy principals and 62 HODs were randomly selected from a target of 14 secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview guides were used in the study. Piloting of research instruments was done in the nearby Marachi Sub-county. Pearson coefficient correlation of 0.6 obtained scored the instruments reliable. Supervisors' comments and suggestions were considered in ensuring content validity of the research instruments. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically and discussed in a continuous prose. The quantitative data was analyzed using means and percentiles and presented in form of tables and charts. The study found a high strength  of association (r=0.671) between the managers skill competence and managers academic performance with a significantly very high correlation of (p<0.05), indicating that 45%(r=0.671) of the variation of skill competence level of school managers in integrating job design on school managers academic performance in public secondary schools. The policy makers at the Ministry of Education and Teacher Service Commission therefore need to in-service teachers on job design skills as indicated by the study that majority of the school managers had little skill competence in job design.


How to Cite
Cherop, R. (2020). Kenyan Secondary School Managers’ Proficiency Dilemma in Job Design. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(6).