Indonesia's Defense Diplomacy through the United States: Case Study of Cooperation a Float Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2019 Joint Exercise


Muhammad Akhyar Marpaung
Christine Sri Manarni
Mhd. Halkis


Global dan regional constellation shows a rapid dynamic after the cold war ended. Global polarity turned to multipolar at the same time the center of gravity of international relations has shifted to Asia-Pacific. Indonesia geographically and strategically in the central position regarded to the reality above. US rebalancing policy brings Indonesia to a geopolitical rivalry among great powers. Indonesia committed to Free and Active policy which means do not side to any political blocs but keep active to prevent conflict in the international system by cooperation approach. This research aimed to discuss Indonesia's defense diplomacy to US through joint exercise of Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) by 2019. The research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Depth exploration conducted by the researcher over the case of CARAT exercise supported by the main analysis tool of defense diplomacy theory which explaining that joint exercise is one of the activities aimed to reach a confidence-building measure (CBMs) and defense capability building. To describe Indonesia's foreign policy towards US within the contemporary political environment, this writing uses the theory of foreign policy and theory of strategy. As an initial conclusion, the joint military exercise of CARAT 2019 successfully strengthening mutual trust and mutual understanding between Indonesia and US in addition to improving Indonesia's military skill which is crucial in the current global political situation.  



How to Cite
Marpaung, M. A., Manarni, C. S., & Halkis, M. (2020). Indonesia’s Defense Diplomacy through the United States: Case Study of Cooperation a Float Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2019 Joint Exercise. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(4).