Constraints to Donkey Keeping and their Management: Case of Residents of Pate Island, Lamu County, Kenya


Wanjala Kennedy Barasa
Mdachi R
Alusi P
Kurgat, R


Donkeys play an important role in rural areas particularly in developing countries. Their importance can be seen in provision of draught power and a now an emerging source of milk and meat. The study that yielded this information was multidisciplinary in nature and sought to understand the constraints of donkey keeping and their management among residents of Pate Island, Lamu County at the Kenya's coast. The methods of data collection included questionnaire survey (96 respondents), five key informant interviews and eight focus group discussions. The results indicate that the donkey keepers of Lamu encounter constraints that include diseases, parasites and insufficient feeding of the equines. The management of these constraints involved use of both formal and ethno-medical practices.  The study recommends training of community animal health assistants (AHAs) from the community on the island to assist in improvement of donkey health services to the residents.


How to Cite
Barasa, W. K., R, M., P, A., & R, K. (2020). Constraints to Donkey Keeping and their Management: Case of Residents of Pate Island, Lamu County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(1).

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