Teacher Effectiveness in Relation to Self-Concept of Secondary School Teachers


Kiran Walia


Today education requires well equipped psychologically, philosophically, technologically, methodologically and also physically fit teachers because such types of teachers play their role more effectively. The student can get a superior education with the help of an effective teacher. Such type of teachers can utilize the instructional devices in a better way and student can get appropriate knowledge from such teachers. So there is need to identify the variable of self-concept of teachers which goes with the teacher effectiveness of secondary school teachers. Thus in the present study the investigator conducted a research to study the relationship between teacher effectiveness and self-concept.


How to Cite
Walia, K. (2015). Teacher Effectiveness in Relation to Self-Concept of Secondary School Teachers. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(11). Retrieved from http://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/141179