Comparative Evaluation of Estimated Regression Analysis for Socio-Economic Characteristics Influencing Family and Hired Labour Utilization in Small-Scale Maize-Cowpea Farms in Mubi North Local Government Areas, Adamawa State, Nigeria


O. Gwandi
M Joseph
J. W. Zalkuwi
B. V. Musa


A study on comparative evaluation of estimated regression analysis for socio-economic characteristics influencing family and hired labour utilization in small-scale maize-cowpea farms in Mubi North local government areas of Adamawa State was conducted in 2007. A total of 100 small-scale maize-cowpea farmers were selected using multi-stage sampling method. Structured questionnaire and interview scheduled were used in the collection of information from the respondents farmers. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used in data analysis. Results revealed that majority (80%) of the farmers were male and 89% were married with a mean age of 50 years. Most of them (80.25%) had attended formal education. The respondents were mostly small scale farmers and they cultivated an average of about two to four hectares of farm land using personal savings. The results further revealed that the amount of labour employed by family was positively influenced by household size, total output and farming experience while those employed by hired labour was influence positively by distance of farm to residence, total farm output and farming experience.The pattern of farmers behaviour in the employment of family labour shows positive significant influence on household size (p<0.05), total farm output (p<0.05) and farmers experience (p<0.01). The result of the regression equation revealed a positive and significant influence of distance of farm to residence (p<0.001) on the amount of hired labour employed.  Farmers household size and farm size have negative significant influence on the amount of labour employed at (p<0.001),whereas off-farm income has negative and non-significant influence.  The variables explained 93.48% of the total behaviour of farmers in their employment of hired labour on maize-cowpea farm operations.  The positive significant influence of distance of farm to residence, total farm output and experience of farmers on the amount of hired labour employed could be attributed to the fact that an increase in the distance of farms to farmers residence poses greater amount of labour hired by the farmers putting into consideration the farmers previous experience with regards to labour demand and total farm output of maize cowpea crops.  


How to Cite
Gwandi, O., Joseph, M., Zalkuwi, J. W., & Musa, B. V. (2014). Comparative Evaluation of Estimated Regression Analysis for Socio-Economic Characteristics Influencing Family and Hired Labour Utilization in Small-Scale Maize-Cowpea Farms in Mubi North Local Government Areas, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from