Unveiling Work-Life ‘Balance' as ‘Integration'


Ritu Atheya
Renu Arora


Work- life balance has already taken the attention of many researchers. This subject interests almost every professional, manager or employer. In today's business scenario, the pressure of work has been intensifying and there is growing feeling among employees that the demands of work begin to dominate life. Integration of work and family life is becoming a part of everyday's reality for majority of the employees. In this context, paper highlights that how work-life ‘balance' emerged as ‘integration' now-a-days. Additionally, it emphasized the key factors that how work invades ones personal life and also suggests the steps by which individuals can blend what they do personally and professionally in order to make both work.


How to Cite
Atheya, R., & Arora, R. (2014). Unveiling Work-Life ‘Balance’ as ‘Integration’. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from http://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140786