The Media and the Poisonous Narrative of Expression: The Female Youth Fix


Chinenye Amonyeze


Young female artists have been increasingly targeted by the entertainment media who have appropriated their bodies to fulfill erotic narrative ends. Faced with the illusionary image of stardom and fame these young performers have been misled by media producers who have given them a false sense that they are empowered when they engage in pornographic displays that highlight their sexuality. The work argues that this media manipulation of the artiste's naivety actually objectifies the female gender and shackles the gender more to the marginal bars of a patriarchal dominated society. The essay reviews how pornography has increasingly being pushed from the fringe lines of entertainment to mainstream staple in the guise of reality shows and primetime events like the MTV awards where young artistes shock the youth viewership with the latest erotic display. The essay concludes that women should have a voice in the conversation affecting them by taking an ethical stand against media consumerism.


How to Cite
Amonyeze, C. (2014). The Media and the Poisonous Narrative of Expression: The Female Youth Fix. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from