Remapping the fragmented self in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Oleander Girl


Aditi Abhishikta
Sidhartha Anahat


The self in other words known as the individual characteristic of a person is the manifestation of one's identity. This identity constitutes the features of human thoughts, feelings, motives, senses and sensibilities directing the cycle of life and action. Due to variation in the conceptual perception, attitude and principles observed by the society in individual lives many a time the self experiences difficulty to grow and come in terms with the social environment particularly when the societal demands are incompatible which leads to the crisis of identity. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Oleander Girl (2013) weaves the scenario of the fragmented self uncovering the realities experienced by the three generations of women and their sensibilities at the backdrop of patriarchy. Korobi, the protagonist in her journey to know her true identity unfolds the saga of her mother's past that was kept hidden from her; her mother Anu Roy becomes a victim of the powerful force of the conservative notion that had taken a drastic turning point in her life; her grandmother Sarojini who was left with no other option than to be a submissive, subservient and ideal wife to her conformist husband. This piece of literary work has attempted to delineate the malicious grip of patriarchal attitude on individual lives and has also tried to substantiate the role of women emancipation in a progressive world of living.


How to Cite
Abhishikta, A., & Anahat, S. (2015). Remapping the fragmented self in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Oleander Girl. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from