Dietary Behavior and Anemia in Rural Adolescent Girls in Kansal Village of Punjab


Monica Munjial Singh
Poonam Sandhir


Introduction : The concept of a transition between children and adulthood is known as adolescence.  During this period, individuals move towards physical and psychological maturity and economic development and acquire their identity.  India also displays very glaring gender disparities. While 30 percent of boys between the ages of 15 and 19 years are anemic, 56 percent girls in the same age group suffer from this condition.

Objectives : The main objectives of the paper were to study the dietary behavior of rural adolescent girls; look into prevalence of anemia among them and to make recommendations regarding the improvement in health and overall development in the adolescent girls.

Study Area and Methodology: The study was conducted in Kansal village of district Mohali, Punjab. A representative sample of 150 school going adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 years were randomly selected from three schools of Kansal. From each school 50 subjects were chosen totalling to 150 in all. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was pre-tested.

Conclusions and Suggestions: All the girls were enquired about their routine dietary behavior. In order to understand their eating habits all of them were enquired about having fruits, milk, green vegetables and breakfast on daily basis. In totality, the study population had very poor dietary behaviors as 11.3 percent of the adolescent girls reported having fruits daily, 16 percent had their breakfast, 18.7 percent consumed green vegetables daily and 54 percent had milk daily. However, still less than half of the girls were not having milk in their daily life. Adolescents account for one-fifth of the world's population and in India they account for 22 percent of the total population. They come to school hungry and get tired very easily and are not able to concentrate efficiently on their tasks. There is a lot which needs to be done in this regard.

Suggestions: There are two main interventions/techniques to promote healthy life style and there by inculcate good dietary habits and reduce the problem of anemia in adolescent girls. They are 1.Education based approach 2. Community based approach. Taking various steps in this direction can instil both these approaches.


How to Cite
Singh, M. M., & Sandhir, P. (2015). Dietary Behavior and Anemia in Rural Adolescent Girls in Kansal Village of Punjab. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from