The Effect of Personal Success Perception on Career Planning


Adnan í‡elik
í–mer Okan Fettahlıoğlu
Sevda Demir


The purpose of this study is to explore whether there is a relationship between the perception of personal success and career planning and inquire whether there are any interactions between these factors. According to researches done in this field, it is understood that those who have been engaged in career planning have a better perception of success. In our studies, on the contrary, we tried to test the following hypothesis: people who have a higher perception of success may be more successful in career planning. The research was conducted on 350 students studying in the department of economics and administrative sciences at a public university. According to the collected data, it has been detected that there is a positive and meaningful relation between the perception of personal achievement and career planning; and that the sub-dimensions of personal success have an impact between 14% (R2= ,138) and 35% (R2= ,349) upon career planning.


How to Cite
í‡elik, A., Fettahlıoğlu, í–mer O., & Demir, S. (2015). The Effect of Personal Success Perception on Career Planning. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from