Community Participation in Urban Suburbs: The Italian Case of Z.E.N. Slum of Palermo


Gioacchino Lavanco
Carolina Messina
Elisabetta Di Giovanni


Based on Kurt Lewin's Action Research theory, the paper focuses on an Action Research project issued in Southern Italy, in the disadvantaged suburb of Palermo (Sicily), called Z.E.N., sadly famous as a dangerous and "criminogenic” urban slum, in order to stimulate social participation and to develop social change. The principal goal was the empowerment of ordinary inhabitants, obtaining their collaboration through participation, giving them acquisition of knowledge for a real social change.


How to Cite
Lavanco, G., Messina, C., & Giovanni, E. D. (2015). Community Participation in Urban Suburbs: The Italian Case of Z.E.N. Slum of Palermo. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(7). Retrieved from