Community Participation in Environmental Management Based Justice and Human Rights in Indonesia


Yohanes Suhardin


Utilization of natural resources on a large scale and uncontrolled have an impact on the environment. Local Governments are less stringent in providing mining permit, without going through a feasibility study will be adverse effects on the environment. After completing the miners mining, they leave gaping holes that are very difficult to be returned to its original condition. In addition, illegal logging is not controlled due to the lack of law enforcement has resulted in environmental damage gets worse. From year to year, deforestation in Indonesia is getting worse. Denuded forest affected resulting in a growing number of natural disasters such as landslides and flash floods. Human behavior today that exploit timeless natural resources, especially forests implications for intergenerational injustice and human rights violations, especially the generations to come in exploiting natural resources and forests. This indicates that humans are now as if it considers itself the most entitled to enjoy the natural resources, without thinking of future generations who also have rights to enjoy the natural resources. If the utilization of natural resources and uncontrolled forest, uncertain future generations can not enjoy a good natural resources and quality. Addressing natural resource conditions are getting worse, then there must be a change in mindset and paradigm, that natural resources are have all generations. Generation are now required to manage it as well as possible for the sake of future generations. The most important thing today is to continue to encourage the active participation of the community in preventing damage to the environment, as a form of moral responsibility towards future generations who also have the same right to enjoy the natural resources.


How to Cite
Suhardin, Y. (2015). Community Participation in Environmental Management Based Justice and Human Rights in Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from