Analyzing Irrigation Water Management in Punjab


Pavneet Kaur
Harvinder Kaur


Irrigation has acquired increasing importance in Indian agriculture. TheVarious types of irrigation techniques are used in India like surface, drip, sprinkler and groundwater irrigation. Punjab state has witnessed a remarkable increase in the agricultural production during late 1960's with the introduction of package of yielding variety seeds, fertilizers and assured irrigation. The cropping pattern of wheat and paddy rotation has led to manifold increase in irrigation water demand. The objective of the paper is to analysis cropping intensity in different states of the country, also focused on groundwater behavior in various parts of Punjab as saline to sweet water zones and highlighted different ways for irrigation water management in the state. It describes that irrigation is the base for the agriculture output as it is an artificial application of water for the cultivation of crops. The paper shows that Punjab occupies a first position in irrigation intensity i.e. 98 percent of the cropped area is irrigated followed by Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. There is need to protect water quality and quantity through different ways as little usage of fertilizers and chemicals, recharge water where there is requirement, check on early transplantation of rice, increasing water use efficiency, change in cropping pattern, recycling of water and encourage sprinkle irrigation on horticulture crops.


How to Cite
Kaur, P., & Kaur, H. (2015). Analyzing Irrigation Water Management in Punjab. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from