Public Policy, Leadership Initiative and African Development


Godwin Ntuk Udeh


Over the years African counties have frantically pursued policies and programmes with publicised objective of development. However, development has eluded the continent mainly because of stealing of public funds, mismatched policies, pretentious elections and, erosion of indigenous leadership. This article argued in favour of policy effectiveness, unchallenged ingenuity, credible election and, a justice system as catalysts to spark African development in this 21st century and beyond. This article insisted that African development is a function of leadership initiative. This conclusion was reached through a systematic review of development paradigms, neglected route to African development and, effective leadership initiative's influence on African development. Data for the study came mainly from published sources. It was suggested in the article that Africa still has a chance to develop if leaderships responsibly match skills with resources to meet citizen's needs. This is possible.


How to Cite
Udeh, G. N. (2015). Public Policy, Leadership Initiative and African Development. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(10). Retrieved from