Transitions from Undemocratic and Authoritarian Regimes to Liberal Democratic and Accountable Governments in Africa


Patrick Oluwole OJO
Vincent ESAN


Over the past two decades, African countries have experienced major political transitions that seemed to have checkmated the consolidation of governments with authoritarian tendencies which triggered development challenges. What has been the impact of democratic rule on politics and governance in Africa, past and present? To what extent has the opening up of the political space impacted on development and human security governance in Africa during the same period? Understanding the impact of democratic administration on African development will provide real insights into the elements of continuity and/or change in Africa's quest for sustainable stable political environment. The perspective of this paper is that the obstacle to the achievement stable polity is the reluctance of the contemporary political regimes to embrace change from business as usual. It identifies and interrogates substantive issues involved in the current democratisation challenges in Africa. The paper concluded that the development and consolidation of liberal democratic government; that is accountable and embraces the principles of good governance, is one important missing link in the current effort to make the desired transition complete in Africa.


How to Cite
OJO, P. O., & ESAN, V. (2015). Transitions from Undemocratic and Authoritarian Regimes to Liberal Democratic and Accountable Governments in Africa. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(12). Retrieved from