Bhakti Traditions of Rajasthan: Philosophical Views of Sant Mavji and Sant Amritnathji


Rahul Tripathi


Rajasthan hasbeen a socio-religious hub of India ever since the earliest times. Various philosophies, ideologies and approaches related to religion emerged during the Medieval period. Of them, most of the ideologies were propagated by various sants (saints), some of which also established their order and clan in due course of time. The paper throws light on the socio-religious approach of Sant Mavji and Sant Amritnathji who were sants of Bhakti Tradition of Rajasthan. The study will reveal their brief biography and their contribution towards the cultural history of Rajasthan.


How to Cite
Tripathi, R. (2015). Bhakti Traditions of Rajasthan: Philosophical Views of Sant Mavji and Sant Amritnathji. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(12). Retrieved from