Seminar Paper on Narrowing the Communication Gap between Clinicians and Radiologists


Joash Auka
Hellen K. Mberia


This paper critically explores on how to narrow the communication gap between clinicians and radiologists by reviewing the literature on the adequacy of the radiology request form as tools of communication. The objectives, purpose of the paper, the general motivation, and the reasons why we need to narrow the communication and research gaps identified. Clinicians order for diagnostic imaging investigations by prescribing or supplying pertinent information on the X-ray request form. The advanced technological breakthroughs in diagnostic imaging require a robust communication environment when ordering investigations and receiving the appropriate results that could aid the diagnosis or treatment of various disorders of patients by doctors. The order for radiological investigations begins with the doctor or clinician prescribing the relevant investigation on an order form that is then relayed electronically to the radiologist or physically taken by the patient to the radiology department for the imaging procedure and interpretation by the radiologist after which the report is relayed back to the referring clinician. In the course of prescription, the clinician has to supply the pertinent patient history to justify the need for the radiation exposure to the patient. Many scholars that have evaluated the completeness of details on the radiology order form by clinicians have encountered glaring lapses that indicate that many clinicians do not supply adequate details to the radiologist on the order form, which creates a communication gap that may lead to diagnostic errors, unjustified radiation exposure, delayed patient care, and the ensuing medico-legal pitfalls. The author of this seminar paper concludes by proposing a cognitive theory based approach to understand the underlying reasons for this inadequacy of the radiology request form as a communication tool that emanates from clinical behavior. The proposed study could provide insights into the applicability of the TRA and TPB models at explaining the Clinicians' intention to fill the radiology request form adequately. Identifying cognitive predictors in filling the radiological request form is important for the design of interventions to promote effective interpersonal communication and hence narrow the communication gap between clinicians and radiologists.


How to Cite
Auka, J., & Mberia, H. K. (2015). Seminar Paper on Narrowing the Communication Gap between Clinicians and Radiologists. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(12). Retrieved from

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