Growth Point: A Blessing or a Curse for Secondary School Learners? The Case of Murambinda in Buhera Zimbabwe


Lillian Manyonga
Plaxcedes Chikunda


This study sought to explore the impact of the growth point on secondary school learners in Murambinda. The study sought the perceptions of school stakeholders, parents, teachers and learners on whether the growth point which is set in a predominantly rural area is a curse or a blessing to secondary school learners. The study further explored the potentially negative conditions in the growth point that may be detrimental to school learning. The data was gathered through observation and interviews and questionnaires. The sample of the study included 20 teachers, 40 learners and 10 parents. The major findings were that Murambinda growth point is both a blessing and a curse to the secondary school learner. There are conditions that can enhance learning such as availability of electricity and access to media. There are also harmful conditions that are detrimental to learners. School stakeholders have mixed feelings on the impact of the growth point to secondary school learners. The researchers recommend that similar studies be carried out among schools in growth points in order to improve pass rates for secondary school learners in growth points.


How to Cite
Manyonga, L., & Chikunda, P. (2018). Growth Point: A Blessing or a Curse for Secondary School Learners? The Case of Murambinda in Buhera Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(9). Retrieved from