Ideation of Selected Natural Objects for Textile Design Using Adobe Photoshop Software


Isaac Aboagye
Bennet Nyante
Emmanuel Amos


The development of textile designs has witnessed an enormous growth rate from periods when designs were solely made with hand drawing tools to the present day where computer-aided design software programmes have simplified and improved the processes.  It is for this reason that this research explores the possibilities of generating motifs and forming textile designs from selected natural objects with Adobe Photoshop software. It discusses other disciplines of design and the relevant features of the natural objects used in the production of the textile designs. The step-by-step procedures used in generating the motifs and the designs are outlined, with the results and appreciation of the textile designs. This paper contains relevant basic design principles and provides philosophical meanings to the surface pattern designs produced.The study shows that the computer with suitable design software can be used to manipulate any picture or sketch of an object to suit the designer's needs.


How to Cite
Aboagye, I., Nyante, B., & Amos, E. (2018). Ideation of Selected Natural Objects for Textile Design Using Adobe Photoshop Software. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(8). Retrieved from