NRHM - A New Thrust in Public Health Care Delivery System in the Union Territory of Puducherry: A Performance Analysis


T. Ranganathan
T. Bharanivasan


The concept of Human Resource Development as defined by UNDP rests on three pillars namely education, health, and livelihoods. India which is demographically a larger country found to be in a poor status in all these three variables and comes under educational poverty, poor public health status besides in severe income poverty. Public health occupies a predominant place in India where 35.00 percent of effective working age population out of the total population depends to their skill and productivity. Henceforth foremost importance is being given starting from the First Five Year Plan 1951.Since from Bhore committee recommendations and to that of recent NRHM many changes took place in Health sector and crisis remains as an unfinished agenda in the rural India. The NRHM has created revolutionary change in the Preventive, Curative, and Promotional health care facilities besides public hygiene, sanitation and providing safe drinking water in rural India.

The UNDP, besides many national and regional level studies conducted to evaluate the performance of the mission in different part of India. An earnest attempt has made in the present study to evaluate the NRHM in terms of its performance in the Union Territory of Puducherry at the end of the Millennium Development Goals targeted year, 2015.


How to Cite
Ranganathan, T., & Bharanivasan, T. (2016). NRHM - A New Thrust in Public Health Care Delivery System in the Union Territory of Puducherry: A Performance Analysis. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(10). Retrieved from