Role of Social Workers in Disaster Management with Special Reference to State of Jammu and Kashmir, India


Mir Mubarik Jalal
Audil Habib Wani
Rabinder Singh


Disaster is commonly used to denote any odd event be natural or manmade, which brings about immense misery to a region. Despite being vulnerable to all types of disasters, the state is lacking a clear policy for managing disasters. There is need to shift from a reactive post-disaster relief-centric approach to a more proactive approach. Social workers can play a vital role in building a culture of managing disasters at community level.


How to Cite
Jalal, M. M., Wani, A. H., & Singh, R. (2016). Role of Social Workers in Disaster Management with Special Reference to State of Jammu and Kashmir, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(10). Retrieved from