Can Translation Save the Dying Tribal Dialects? (Sadri Taking over Kharia, Munda, Oraon and Kisan Dialects of Western Odisha)


Ajit Kumar Kullu
Bijay Krishna Tripathy


Official languages of the states and the international languages which have become the necessary evils have consciously or unconsciously, affected the tribals to twist their tongues for other languages. The paper points out to the fact that a popular dialect Sadri is taking over the tribal dialects Kharia, Munda, Oraon and Kisans of Western Odisha. Can translation of their life and literature to other languages save them is a big question to be answered. The decision to keep the tribal languages alive rests on the tribals themselves.


How to Cite
Kullu, A. K., & Tripathy, B. K. (2015). Can Translation Save the Dying Tribal Dialects? (Sadri Taking over Kharia, Munda, Oraon and Kisan Dialects of Western Odisha). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(5). Retrieved from