Perception of Employees' towards Motivation Using Mind Mapping Technique


R. Amudha
L. Cresenta Shakila Motha
P. Rajalakshmi


Mind mapping is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain. It can be used for various tasks from creative thinking to project working. It will help the workers to increase their thinking competencies as well as their adeptness in learning new information. An effective strategy of Mind Mapping will enable the employees to absorb and retain much more information, thereby making training departments utilizing Mind Mapping more effective. This study focused on the brain-based motivational strategy using Mind Mapping technique and its effectiveness in utilizing the knowledge of employees. The objective of the study is to examine the employee's perceptions towards motivation and analyze the existing intricacies for improving their motivation level.The study covered 50 executives of TVS Sundaram Clayton Limited from the department of Quality Assurance Design and Primary data were collected by administering the questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage analysis and ANOVA single factor with the help of SPSS Package. The study revealed that the company is working in the right way for improving the employee motivation and organization development. It has been analyzed that factors like human factor, working attitude, co-operation and communication with team members, knowledge about the machineries and techniques has greater impact on employee motivation. Team Communication should be improved by motivating the employees. Working atmosphere in the organization is favourable to the employees to share their opinion and ideas to the Senior Executives. 


How to Cite
Amudha, R., Motha, L. C. S., & Rajalakshmi, P. (2015). Perception of Employees’ towards Motivation Using Mind Mapping Technique. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(5). Retrieved from