The Causes and Effects of Conflict between Luo-Maasai Communities of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya


George Okumu Achar
Rispah N. Wepukhulu
Angeline Savala


This paper examines the causes and effects of conflict between Luo-Maasai (LM) communities of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya. The study was conducted in Kenya among the LM communities of Migori and Narok Counties. It covered four locations include Sikawa, Upper Suna, Ndonyo, and Masarura. The study was guided by two objectives include to establish causes of conflict between the Luo-Maasai (LM) communities of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya; and to identify effects of conflicts in Ogwedhi-Sigawa. In an attempt to discover causes and effects of conflict between the two communities. The study adopted a descriptive design and used purposive sampling to select the respondents. The data was collected using questions, group discussion, and oral interviews after which it was analyzed qualitatively (Kombo and Tromp, 2013).It was established that causes and effects of conflict between the LM peoples is founded on the historical past of the two communities; and on wealth and traditional cultural practices of the LM peoples. The research affirmed that mistrust, hatred, loss of property


How to Cite
Achar, G. O., Wepukhulu, R. N., & Savala, A. (2017). The Causes and Effects of Conflict between Luo-Maasai Communities of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(10). Retrieved from