Effects of Student Economic Adjustment on Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students in Western Kenya


Maurine Saidi Olenyo
Peter Odera
Bernard Ngoitsi Jumba
Moses Poipoi


Most students perform poorly at the end of the four years in secondary school due to factors that may not be necessarily personal. This study sought to establish the effect that economic adjustment patterns have on academic performance in secondary Schools in Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design which focused on determining the status of the defined population within the sub-county.The specific objective of the study was to examine the effect of student's economic adjustment to academic achievement among form three students in schools in Sabatia sub-county. Vihiga County. The study population comprised of 2500 form three students, 90 guiding and counseling teachers, 90 directors of studies from the respective schools and one sub county education officer. A total of 250 form three students, 9 guiding and counseling teachers, 9 directors of studies, 9 deputy principals and 1 sub county director of Education constituted the study sample. Stratified random sampling and purposeful sampling technique were used to select the respondents. Three schools were used during the pilot study to ascertain the validity and reliability of the instruments. The reliability coefficient of 7.424 was found using test retest method. Questionnaire, interview schedule and a document analysis guide were used in data collection and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was prescribed, recorded  and reported in themes and sub-themes. The quantitative data was recorded using frequency tables and pie charts. Findings revealed that student's economic adjustment has a significant effect on academic achievement in secondary schools in Sabatia sub-county Vihiga County.  I t was recommended that  teachers and parents need to be  create a conducive economic environment in learning institutions and at home to enhance high level of student adjustment and academic achievement.


How to Cite
Olenyo, M. S., Odera, P., Jumba, B. N., & Poipoi, M. (2017). Effects of Student Economic Adjustment on Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students in Western Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(10). Retrieved from http://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125560