The Model for Resolution of Land Conflict through the Mediation Integrating Legal Aid Based on College in South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia


Muh. Sjaiful dan Jumiaty Ukkas


Problem of land conflict in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia during 2015 until now, has become a phenomenon which has the potential to threaten the stability of social interaction among citizens. During this time, the handling of land conflict has been pursued, among others through mediation, complaints to ministries, demonstration and court. The handling of land conflict, however, it does not seem to provide satisfaction for the parties which in conflict. The aim of this research is to create a new  model for resolution of land conflict through mediation integrating legal aid based on college in South East Province, Indonesia. This research uses normative legal research based empirical social. The result of research shows that resolution for land conflict through the court, is less effective considering the culture of the people of Southeast Sulawesi in a primordialistic society which still holds the values of kinship and so tight social relation. In author's opinion that the mediation integrating legal aid based college, is appropriate resolution for land conflict, since it could yield win-win solution for the parties.


How to Cite
Ukkas, M. S. dan J. (2017). The Model for Resolution of Land Conflict through the Mediation Integrating Legal Aid Based on College in South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(10). Retrieved from