The Unheard Voices: Challenges Facing Teacher Participation in Ghanaian Basic Schools: A Study of Basic Schools in the Central Region of Ghana


Dandy George Dampson
Alexander K. Edwards


In developing countries like Ghana, research has shown that little is done about teacher participation in decision-making (PDM) which is crucial for school improvement.  However, despite various efforts made by various governments through the implementation of numerous educational policies which calls for teacher participation in school decision-making, still Ghanaian basic school head teachers and teachers are daunted with challenges in school decision-making. PDM is the extent to which teachers who are the implementers of educational policies are consulted and involved in school decision-making. The study adopted the case study design through micro-ethnography approach. Data was collected through interviews, observations and document analysis. The study explored the challenges facing teacher participation in school decision-making. 10 basic schools, 20 teachers, 10 head teachers and 10 circuit supervisors were involved through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. In addition, 2 basic schools were observed. The study established that there are four major challenges facing teacher PDM in Ghanaian basic schools and these are lack of implementation of decisions made, time factor, leadership style and lack of trust among staff members. The study recommends that there should be regular in-service training on leadership and school management for head teachers, teachers and other staff members, school leaders should also be encouraged to practice distributed leadership style and generate funds internally to implement decisions made.


How to Cite
Dampson, D. G., & Edwards, A. K. (2017). The Unheard Voices: Challenges Facing Teacher Participation in Ghanaian Basic Schools: A Study of Basic Schools in the Central Region of Ghana. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(11). Retrieved from