Challenges of Educating Students with Disabilities in Tanzania Secondary School Inclusive Education Settings


Emanuel Ismael Maphie
Mwajabu Posssi


This qualitative research employed phenomenological approach to explore and establish challenges of educating students with disabilities (SWDs) in Tanzania secondary school inclusive education settings. A total of Sixty-one respondents including thirty-two students, sixteen teachers, six parents, four heads of schools as well as three DEOs were purposively selected and joined the study. The study leading question was; what are the challenges experienced by students with disabilities in secondary school inclusive education settings?

The findings show varied challenges for SWDs in Tanzania secondary school inclusive education settings. They include academic, environmental, attitudinal and financial challenges 

In light of the study findings, recommendations have been given for the purpose of improving inclusive education in Tanzanian secondary schools. Future research directions in the field of inclusive education particularly in secondary schools are also recommended.


How to Cite
Maphie, E. I., & Posssi, M. (2017). Challenges of Educating Students with Disabilities in Tanzania Secondary School Inclusive Education Settings. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(11). Retrieved from