A Practical Assessment on Training for Pre-primary Class Teachers in Nepal


Shobhakhar Kandel


The objectives of this article were to find out the training needs of the pre-primary school teachers, to share the some skills of teaching methods according to the need assessment and to able the teachers with human some skills according to the needs of the participants.

Besides more or less strengths, there are essentially recommendations to improve the ECD centers better as first of all the government have to divide every ECD centers in to four steps like play group of different age groups. It can be concluded that after the training feedback form analyzed this training was fruitful for the participants as well me that I had got many experiences from the participants.

There are also so many constraints to launch the ECD programme is to be improved by the concerning authorities.ECD classes are the foundation of the upcoming school education process. If we can improve the ECD centers, further education system must be affected as the construction of the good building is depend on its foundation of the house.


How to Cite
Kandel, S. (2017). A Practical Assessment on Training for Pre-primary Class Teachers in Nepal. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(12). Retrieved from http://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125470