Critical Assessment of Fredrick Herzberg's Theory of Motivation with Reference to Changing Perception of Indian Pharma Field Force in Pune Region


Vidya Nakhate


Fredrick Herzberg's article "One More Time, How Do You Motivate Employees?" was the most sought article from Harvard Business Review reprinted in January 2003. His Motivation-Hygiene theory has been accepted worldwide by the managers with respect to the problems related to employee behaviour at work. In today's world it is necessary to ensure the pool of talented employee should remain with the organization for a longer period and it is possible only keeping them highly motivated. The general Social Survey (GSS) carried out by National Opinion Research Centre at University at Chicago focus on the fact that people appreciate bonuses, but money alone can't have the expected work result if manager ignore the employees desire meaningful contribution towards organization. The result shows that motivational job situation and organizational orientation also helps in reducing the stress of the employee at moderate level.

It has been observed that motivation is morale buster for the employee. The more you motivate your employees more productivity will be observed. If we put motivation in the form of formula P = F (M, A, E) Where P – Performance of the employee, M – Motivation, A – Ability and   E – Environment. Thus motivation plays very important role in case any type of organization. It has been observed that motivation is a key for attracting and retaining the employees.


How to Cite
Nakhate, V. (2016). Critical Assessment of Fredrick Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation with Reference to Changing Perception of Indian Pharma Field Force in Pune Region. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(1). Retrieved from