Frame Work of Nudge a New Marketing Tools of Modern Times in Car Marketing and Effect of Demographics on It


Manish Ishwardayal Gupta
Nitin Manohar Joshi Manohar Joshi


Use of Nudge a marketing tool is gaining acceptance in field of education, sustainability, hospitality, safety and marketing. This study is a descriptive research based on secondary data and field research on car marketing in India. The main issue resolved by Nudge is that it makes the user feel importance, remove confusions in decision making, makes features appear beneficial and useful in perception. Nudges are present everywhere product we use as being a part of product and choice architecture, the world is moving from traditional marketing concepts to value and retention focused marketing due to change in market from monopolistic market to highly liberalised market. The aim of study was to find Nudges in cars features and how it adds value perception in cars marketing and the effect of demographics on them. Indian car market also experienced this change over from monopolistic market to highly liberalised market for cars with almost all car players putting plants in India and each competing to get customers. Today's marketing issues being that in spite thousands of new product launches every year, most product fail in market, as same are using older marketing ideas, only few succeed, and those succeeding in becoming market leaders are those with most nudges. Nudge had been used in industry knowingly or unknowingly, to study same car marketing industry was chosen


How to Cite
Gupta, M. I., & Joshi, N. M. J. M. (2016). Frame Work of Nudge a New Marketing Tools of Modern Times in Car Marketing and Effect of Demographics on It. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(1). Retrieved from