Practical Analysis on the Effect of Shiruma Approach in Obtaining Optimal Preference Ordering in Multi-Person Fuzzy Decision Making


Auwalu Sa'idu


This paper presents an analysis on the effect of Shiroma approach in data collection in multi-person decision making in fuzzy environment using a real-life situation.

Many at times decision(s) is/are made by more than one person and over many alternatives, as such this research work consider a group of 10 graduates on life carrier choice preference ordering over 5 alternatives, which are; Politics, Civil Service, Marriage, Farming and Business. These alternatives are considered because of the fact that they are the immediate possibilities for most of graduates and also, finding the best opinion(s) of our youths, with regard to them, will help in determining the direction in thoughts and attitudes of our graduates, as such a best technique needs to be employed.

 In this paper, at first, based on Shiruma approach, the preference ordering of each individual is obtained and then, later, by Blin approach, where the opinions/goals of the individuals involved in the group are equally considered, the optimal preference ordering of the decision for the group is obtained. Later, the preference orderings of the individuals are collected directly and the group decision is calculated in similar way.  

The two different results obtained were analysed and, provided the required conditions are considered, Shiruma approach is proved to be the best way in data collection in making decision in fuzzy environment.  
