Development and Validation of a Philippine Music Achievement Test in Addressing the K to 12 Music Curriculum Learning Competencies
The study aimed to develop and validate an achievement test in Philippine Music for Grade 7 junior high school students that can measure the learning competencies in the K to 12 Music Curriculum. The researcher, during the inter-judge consistency process, aligned the learning competencies of Music, the result of which became the basis in preparing the first draft of the test. Based on the test, a set of 115 questions with four options was formulated. The draft of the instrument was submitted to a panel of music experts for content and face validation. Also, the test underwent two tryouts. After the item analysis and the final test administration, a total of 80 items were included in the final form of the test. To ensure reliability, the achievement test underwent the process of the split-half reliability method, the use of the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and the correction of the Spearman-Brown Formula applied to the coefficient. The results of the test were reliable at 0.82. Similarly, the data gathered through predictive validity determined by correlating the scores with the subjects' final grades in the Philippine Music Achievement Test (PMAT). The researcher concluded that the achievement test is valid and reliable for it covers the areas of Music, and the items were responsive to the K to 12 Music learning competencies.