Level of Youth Participation in Agro-Processing Enterprises in the Western Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria


E. A. Ubana
A. S Bako


The study examined the level of youth participation in agro-processing enterprises in the Western Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to draw 120 youths from 12 villages who served as respondents. Questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean scores and ranking and likert rating scale was used to measure level of performance. Results show that majority (60.8%) of the respondents were male; within the age bracket of 21 - 40 years (84.2%) while the mean age of the respondents was 30 years.  Most respondents (81.8%) had one level of formal education or the other. The average years of experience in agro-processing was11 years, while mean annual income was N402, 250.00. The predominant agro-processing enterprises undertaken by the respondents were groundnut oil processing 86.3%, maize flour processing 77.5% and cassava processing 67.5%. The level of youth participation in agro-processing show that participation in groundnut oil processing, maize flour processing and garri and cassav a flour (alubo) processing were rated very high. Groundnut oil processing had a mean score of 2.86, maize flour processing had a mean score of 2.76 and garri and cassava flour (alubo) processing had a mean score of 2.63.The major constraints faced by the respondents were inadequate capital to expand their businesses (86.7%), poor access to credit facilities (70.0%) and high cost of raw materials and processing facilities and equipment (65.8%). It was recommended that credit facilities should be made more flexible to young people who want to go into agricultural processing enterprises. This will promote entrepreneurship and job creation among the youth.
