The Impact of Training and Development on Staff Competitive Values (Applied on Airports Sector)


Rehab Sami Mohamed Abd El maksoud


In past few years training has become a source of competitive value for airports. Which lead to achieve competitive advantages at the marketplace. Training is the nerve that suffices the need of fluent and smooth functioning of work that helps in enhancing the quality of work life of employees and organizational development too.

Development is a process that leads to qualitative as well as quantitative advancements in the organization, especially at the managerial level; it is less considered with physical skills and is more concerned with knowledge, values, attitudes and behavior. Hence, development can be said as a continuous process whereas training has specific areas and objectives.

 Development should be the results of training.  So, every organization needs to study the role, importance and advantages of training and its positive impact on development to add value of the organization. Employee training and development programs are important aspects which are needed to be studied and focused on. That lead to measure training through Keep performance area (KPA), and then keep performance results to improve Keep performance indicators.

This paper focuses and analyses the literature findings on importance of training and development and its relation with the competitive value for the employeeTo determine the relationship between training and the business results as well as to analyze the existing relationship between training and keep performance areas; which achieve competitive value.

