Clearing the Menace of "Hard-to-Reach” Students through Novel Strategies- A Myth or Reality


Femila Pangat


"Teaching is reaching out the pupils to enrich”.  But do the existing teachers competently reach all the three categories of pupils in the class i.e. gifted, average and dullards?  To impart effective education to hard-to-reach students, teacher's commitment and competence in implementation of novel strategies are vitally important.  Investigator with utmost belief attempted to take up the challenging task.  Scientific concepts are tough.

Their technical terminology obviously makes concept assimilation and learning complex.  The strategy "Acquiring Simple Equivalent Technical Terminology” (A S E T T) reduces the difficulty.   Students are accustomed to class notes.  This "chewing-the cud” process hampers their thinking capacity and self-learning. "Inquiry Oriented Learning Strategy” (I O L S) helps to overcome and enhances inquisitiveness, exploring tendency and creativity in framing many questions by being thorough with the text.  Thus these novel strategies are used to fight against the puzzling problems.
