The Need for Change in Management Education in India


C. P. Ramchandani


As India emerges as a major player in the global economic market which has witnessed rise in the global competitiveness, it calls for a pragmatic and a very well laid out education policy which is in tune with the changing trends. It should look to the future and adapt to the rapidly changing situations. While this is true in the education field in its entirety, it is more important as far as education in management is concerned. Despite the remarkable progress and reforms that India has made in the field of economics there still remains of wide gap in the type of managers that we produce for various businesses in the emerging markets.

This paper touches upon the urgency to change in case we want to resurrect the way management is taught. It offers certain fundamental principles that need to be adopted as far as the changing trends in marketing go. This would require major changes in policy, budgets, as well as the way we teach management in India. At present although the management Institutions are mushrooming everywhere, they need to shift their focus from instant profitability to futuristic accountability. At the moment, they all seem to be stuck in the "past mode” teaching the same principles that were good in 20th century. They need to move to the dawn of 21st century in which the world is increasingly showing signs of being a global village.

The author who has been in the full front of leadership in educational institutions teaching Management Sciences offers some very well laid out and simplistic solutions that need to be adopted in case we want to compete not only with the local and global economy is but also offer the best of managers in the futuristic job markets.

This paper has been written to serve as a road map for adopting the changes in higher education, especially so in the field of Management Education and mobilizing ideas to bring them at par with the global players.
