Simulation Based Approach to Improve Competencies in Respiratory Emergencies amongst Interns


Kaza Anupama Murthy
Karthikeyan Ramaraju
B. Nithilavalli Balasubrramanian
Pananghat A. Kumar



Medical education is rapidly evolving field with paradigm shift from informative to competency based skills. Simulation has been accepted as an ethical tool, but not been incorporated into medical curriculum. We assessed the ability of residents during internship to manage respiratory emergencies and evaluated simulation as education and assessment tool.


A prospective study was done with forty three residents during the internship period, which had completed emergency medicine postings. They were assessed in clinical knowledge by questionnaire and clinical skills were assessed by checklist scores in three common respiratory emergencies. The knowledge gained after the workshop was reassessed with post tests questionnaire.  We evaluated student feedback with questionnaire responses.


43 interns were included in the study. All of them had completed emergency medicine postings, during internship. Checklist scoring was done for five core competencies :sub competencies   were  scored and validated with subject experts.[  cut off > 75%  ]There was remarkable difference in pre and post test scores with a mean which was statistically significant. Only 66.6% demonstrated skills in clinical knowledge with lowest scores (25%) in problem based learning. Core competencies which needed to be strengthened by practice and reinforcement were identified. Students felt that such training need to be extended for other medical emergencies and   they wanted such training to be integrated in their curriculum.


Simulation based workshop is effective tool to teach respiratory emergencies and should be incorporated in medical curriculum as an education and assessment tool.
