Maxillary First Permamnent Molar Crossbite Correction- Case Reports


Jalis Fatima
Subrata Saha
Malay Mitra
Nilanjana Saha
Kashika Arora


Dental posterior crossbites involve atypical eruption and alignment of tooth/teeth into crossbite configuration but with normally related jaw bases. Most oftenly involves maxillary first molars or premolars. Using the concept of interceptive orthodontics, isolated first permanent molar crossbites can be corrected by use of cross-arch elastics. A hook or a button can either be bonded directly to the enamel or welded onto band and then be cemented to the involved tooth. A hook or a button should be placed on the lingual surface of maxillary molar and buccal surface of mandibular molar and is then engaged with elastics. The patient or guardian should be instructed to change elastics daily until crossbite is corrected. Typically first permanent molar crossbite is corrected with cross-arch elastics in 4-8 weeks.
