Network Coding Technique Based On Intelligent Hybrid MAC in Wireless Sensor Networks


Riyana M.
Nithin Joe


 In existing method, IH-MAC based on QOS achieves energy efficiency and channel utilization during high traffic load. And also it uses the concept of parallel transmission to reduce delay but the information of the packet will lost during the parallel transmission and the data rate and speed slightly reduced in wireless sensor networks. Network coding technique is used in proposed system to improve energy efficiency, multicast capacity and to decrease packet delay and latency. Network coding enables the delivery of different packets to distinct neighbors in single transmission. It uses encoding and decoding techniques for better throughput and increase channel capacity. Network coding with intelligent hybrid MAC (IH-MAC) achieves high energy efficiency under wide range of traffic-load. It achieves high channel utilization during high traffic-load without compromising energy efficiency. And security is the important factor during parallel transmission in wireless sensor networks. So here secure routing based on random coding (SR-RC) is used, which utilizes two set of random numbers to ensure that the coverage nodes can decode the packets successfully. Random parameters without encryption and encrypted random parameters these are the two types of random numbers. First one which allows the relay nodes to estimate the dependency of coefficient vector and another one which protects data from eavesdropped.   When compared to the existing system, proposed system gives better energy efficiency and channel utilization than the existing system.
