Satan in the Poetry of Dr. Iqbal: An Overview


Tanvir Ahmed


This paper will look into the Satan and the Myth associated with fall of man and fall of Satan from Islamic and Iqbalian point of view. This paper will focus on the differences in the concept of Fallen of man and Satan, in Islam and Iqbal's poems. The adoption of Satan by Iqbal would be studied from Comparative Mythological approach. How he adopted and innovated on the ideas that already prevailed in the religious book and other literary works. Satan holds great place in the works of Mohammed Iqbal. He is one of the major thematic and philosophical concerns in his poetry. He developed great interest in the Satan and provided him great place in his works. He being a critic as well as a poet made Satan his mouth piece to represent the modern civilization and modern politics. He was a great satirist, who satirised the trends of the modern human being and civilization. In satirising the modern civilization and human beings he exalted the status of Satan in comparison to Man. Yunus M Sayed writes: "This most fascinating living character appealed to the poetic sensibilities of Iqbal; a character as old as time itself, as defiant as nothing that the Universe has ever known or will ever know; a being given to fierce condemnation, cursed by God and man alike.”(web)

