Challenges in Achieving Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement Procedures in Secondary Schools Sabatia Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya


Airo Cyprian Angokho
Dr. Shem Juma
Dr. Musiega Douglas


The study focuses on challenges in achieving transparency and accountability in public procurement procedures in Sabatia Sub-County public secondary schools which concentrates on internal and external factors, and internal processes in schools and how they affect transparency and accountability achievement in public procurement procedure hence the study targeted thirty public secondary schools hence a sample of ten public schools were surveyed through use of questionnaires. The analysis was both descriptive and inferential analysis where correlation and linear regression were used. Using model 1 regression in question, positive correlation is shown between EF,IF and IPP with achievement of transparency and accountability which  is at 99% significant level. Using the step-wise regression model, the external factors contribute most in the variance in challenges facing transparency and accountability in procurement procedures while internal factors contribute least to change in variance in challenges facing transparency and accountability in procurement procedures hence emphasis should be put on external factors for schools to overcome the challenges in accountability in procurement procedures.
