Secured BGP Routing Protocol For Network Services
Computer Network have pervaded each and every day in our life and also prevent in all aspects. Now everyone knows that network services are provided by service gateways, where it only focused on minimizing the length of the routes have an overall network performance. As more and more people use computer networks, traffic increases so it puts a heavy toll on the infrastructure delivering the data from source to destination where it leads to delayed data, data variation, throughput of messages and packet loss. For this problem Reuven Cohen [1] showed that, the placement and selection of network services can be used as an effective tool for traffic engineering in that literature. In that the problem was divided into two sub problems: 1) finding the best location for service gateway, 2) selecting the best service gateway for each flow which focuses on placing the service gateways in a way that minimizes the average length of the traversed routes. Approximation algorithm and heuristics were used for the selection problem. But in this paper, the main contribution is showing that the BGP protocol can address the task of determining the path by using SPF algorithm to find the shortest path route to reduce the congestion of traffic in the network services. And there are many malicious behaviour actions that can be carried out to attack a Wireless Sensor Network while routing. So to overcome this problem a special securing topology maintenance protocol called Meta protocol (Meta-TMP) are also used in this article in order to provide security and high performance for wireless sensor networks.